Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mark Hollander's 100 Day Plans & Scrum

Just found this site through one of the GTD consultant's blogs I read daily. I've got no idea if Mr. Hollander is effective or not but his notion of a 100 day plan sure seems to have intuitive, self-evident merit and reminded me of an Agile/Scrum approach to a project vs. the traditional approach.

100 days or any relatively short, finite period of time is doable. It's bite-sized. It will end. It's approachable.

It's one of the main reasons Scrum works so well. It's not a long-term multi-million dollar committment. Just give us the resources to run for one Sprint and see what we produce. If you want to continue at that time then fine, we'll do another Sprint. If you're done after one Sprint we move on.

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