One of the many commonly-used tools in Scrum is a burndown chart. This is basically a graph or table that has the tasks to accomplish down the left side of the page and a column for each day going from left to right across the page with the far-right column being the last day of the project, the milestone, the deadline. As each day goes by the idea is to shade in or denote the expired time along with accomplished tasks in some visual manner. This provides a clear, visual way to quickly determine the progress and remaining time on a project.
I've got a big deadline coming up toward the beginning of next month so I just placed a
Post-it flag protruding vertically from the file folder (in my tickler file system) of the day it's due. As I go into my filing system each day I'm visually reminded of how far away I am from the deadline.
Personal Productivity, Scrum, Agile, GTD, Getting Things Done
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